by _Uotann_
News — March Update
Hello everyone! A new month has come, and to mark the occasion, we’ve reserved our community a rather huge surprise. An update was recently finished after several months, featuring a completely rebuilt Pointshop system and various new gameplay aspects, along with a few changes that are further explained in the below post.
Pointshop Update
As introduced above, we entirely reworked the Pointshop system. It has come to our attention that most players were experiencing issues with the old system, therefore we decided not only to fix those issues, but to add a variety of features in order to increase its interactivity as well as its interest.
• Added StatTrak™ technology to all knife types (10% chance)
• Added nametag support to all StatTrak™ weapons
• Added a quality-based border around each item
• Modifed key prices and categories
• Added a much more detailed description for each item
• Added bodygroup support (model customization)
• Fixed a considerable amount of PS2-related bugs
• Increased drop chances based on donator rank
• And much more to discover!
User Menu
The user menu is a completely new addition of ours, which will allow players to view their in-game profile and track certain stats, with advanced options for donators. Depending on how high your donator rank is, you will be able to—
• View basic information (name, Steam icon, etc.)
• Change your scoreboard icon manually
• Set yourself a custom scoreboard color
• Set yourself a rainbow scoreboard color
• More features are coming soon! This menu can be opened by clicking on your name (scoreboard), then on
User Menu
Gameplay Addition
A few gameplay aspects were added and changed through the process. With this update being, bystanders will now mainly be able to search certain corpses for clues. To attempt a search on a corpse as a bystander, hold your action key on any of them.
General Changes
Below are listed some minor changes or update that has been made.
• New gunshot sound for both AWP and Desert Eagle
• Added a Revolver R8 animation on right click
• Added a reload timer in the middle screen
• Added a smoke effect after a gunshot
• Minor bug fixes This is all of it for now.
A lot of work was put into this update, and we really hope it enhances everyone‘s gameplay experience. We are currently looking forward to completely replace the actual ranking system to something even more entertaining, and it should be coming soon!